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Our Trees

Within time, our aim is to create a beautiful, natural, memorial woodland, with native trees.

A place of tranquillity, where you are able to visit loved ones and reflect on the memories you shared together.

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Bird Cherry

(Prunus Padus)

This is a species of cherry, a deciduous small tree that produces stunning fragrance blossoms which appear in April followed by black fruits which the wild life loves. The spiritual meaning for Bird Cherry symbolises good fortune and new beginnings.

Wild Cherry

(Prunus Avium) 

This is a beautiful blossom tree and a bounty of bright red fruits. The blossom provides a source of pollen for the bees and birds love the berries. The spiritual meaning for Wild Cherry symbolises good fortune and new beginnings.

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Yoga Practice


(Crataegus Monogyna)

The pale green leaves and blooms on the Hawthorn are normally the first to appear in spring with a pretty pink blossom. It is a haven for wildlife and birds.
The spiritual meaning for the Hawthorn symbolises love and protection.


(Sorbus Acuparia)

This trees leaves and berries are vibrant with clusters of white flowers and a credit to any woodland. It's an elegant tree and holds mystical history. The Rowan spiritual meaning is the Tree of Life and symbolises courage, wisdom and protection.

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Silver Birch

(Betula Pendula)

This deciduous tree has an abundance of slender drooping twigs with its stunning silver, white bark and catkins. The Silver Birch spiritual meaning symbolises purity, new beginnings and protection.


(Corylus Avellana)

This tree has little catkins resembling lamb tails, and produces late summer nuts. The bark is a copper brown and butterflies love this tree. The spiritual meaning for the Hazel Tree symbolises wisdom and inspiration, life and growth.

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